Genie Blogs

Helping hand for babysitting of your child

Hrishi 20/10/2015

In today’s age families are getting smaller with many consisting of just husband wife and their kid. Now husband needs to go to office to earn for the family and wife gets stuck at home doing just hose chores and looking after the kid. Many house wives have nice education lot of experience and companies are even ready to hire them to work from home. But as many of us know from experience of looking after a child, it is a full time activity and working while taking care of kids is impossible. Asking domestic help to look after child while madam can work is not to the liking as kids don’t learn during that time and getting a maid is such a head ache today. So what can be done? Won’t it be helpful if student who is pursuing their studies helps you out to look after your child? She/he can play with your toddler while you complete your office work and no we are not saying leave them alone and go out for work. We recommend you to stay home see how the student is taking care of the child. Students will be a good idea as they can play learning games with kids. It has been proven that kids learning from younger people learn faster. Also by getting a student to work you are providing opportunities for the students to earn their pocket money while they are learning.

            So from where can you get such students who are willing to look after your toddler for a payment? Here comes the idea GenieOnHire handy. is a web and application based service which connects you to hundreds of background verified trusted and willing Genies. Process of hiring a Genie is very simple just log on to select the wish category, fill out details related to your requirement and post the wish! Genies interested in the wish category will be notified about the wish posted and you will receive their quotes on how much they want to be paid. You can decide on which Genie to choose for completing your wish based on the reviews and rating of the Genie. Genies are paid only after wish is completed without dispute. And you can review and rate the Genie based on their work quality so future wish makers are benefited from it.

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She did not have clue how she is going to Finish Diwali Snacks!

Hrishi 21/10/2015

Shivangi did not have any superhero with super powers, but our everyday working woman balancing job in IT and house hold work at home. She loved her family of husband and kids. This Diwali she wanted to make at least few Diwali snacks at home as she thought it was unhealthy to buy everything from out. But How??? A big question for her, how she was going to manage her office work and do those snacks? It was not easy to do it alone! She wished if there was a Genie who could help her in making those snacks! But Alas Genies don’t exist in reality. Or do they?

            So she heard about which provides skilled students studying in and around Pune who can help her out in different tasks at home and make her life easier. These students are background checked and verified. They have different skills ranging from cookery to poetry, Gardening, design artist etc. She immediately downloaded GenieOnHire app from Google App store and made her wish of getting help for Diwali snacks.

            And behold her wish started to come true! She got 3 quotes from students who responded with their expected fees for helping in making Diwali snacks. Based on the profile of these students and rating received by them for past tasks she selected one Genie and awarded the wish to her. The Genie Savita who originally hailed from Sangli helped her mother in making Diwali snacks for selling in their shop and knew how to make things work. Savita went to help Shivangi on pre-decided time and helped her in making those Chakli, Laddoo and Chivda for Diwali. They gelled well and Shivangi even invited Savita for Diwali party at her house. So by this way Shivangi’s Diwali wish came true! So don’t afraid to make a wish who knows it might come true!

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Rakesh Needs a part-time tele-caller for his business!

Hrishi 22/10/2015

Rakesh has his own placement consultancy business where he places skilled candidates and executives in various firms. He is a one-man task force and handles most of the business single handedly. As any person would want he also want to expand his business. The first requirement for that is more time to approach new companies. But currently lot of his time is spent in cold calling candidates, following up with them for resumes, documents and other rudimentary tasks, which is not helping in increasing the business. Additionally he would like to do regular customer calling for feedback. This kind of calling will definitely help him to get brownie points with his clients.

            Considering all these tasks, he does not need a full time person to work for him. Hiring a someone would also involve renting a office space which is not a requirement for now. The work that he thinks he has for the additional person may not take more than 2-3 hours per day, then why to pay full salary to someone?

            Rakesh wished if he could get someone on part time basis to call candidates, ask for resumes, documents and follow up with them from their own premises.


 Yes Rakesh’s wish can definitely come true with the help of GenieOnHire have many background-checked students who are well versed in Hindi, Marathi, English and can call the candidates from their own premises. Rakesh can simply go to GenieOnHire website or app and create a wish asking for Genies interested in tele-calling for feedback and follow up. Once he posts the wish Genies interested in tele-calling will approach him with their quotes. Rakesh can select the suitable Genie based on their rating and pricing. Genies may ask Rakesh for more clarifications through the chatting feature in app and website. Genies would be paid once task for Rakesh is completed.

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Rama missed an urgent legal document what she did can definitely help you!

Hrishi 23/10/2015

Rama is a Lawyer and works in real estate segment as a consultant. She works in a small set up with just one assistant and a small table space in business center. On last Friday she got a call from her assistant that the important agreement typed on the stamp paper is not there in the file she was carrying to the client. Now Rama herself was scheduled to have a meeting with another important client. It was out of the way for her to deliver document to her assistant and then head to her next client. Assistant spoke to the client and client agreed that they can send the document by end of the day that day and get it back with signature immediately.

            Being a busy businessman Rama saw it very difficult to include the trip to Wanowri from her office at Kothrud any time that day. She did not want to hire a permanent office boy for this task as these situations were rare and most of her work used to be on laptop. She wished she had some help from somebody who could take the agreement to the client and get it signed.

Yes Rama’s wish can definitely come true with the help of GenieOnHire have many background-checked students who daily commute between different parts of city and own their vehicle. Being good students they can understand the importance of documents and get the signatures at right places.  Rama can simply go to GenieOnHire website or app and create a wish asking for Genies interested in getting signature on documents from her client. Once she posts the wish Genies interested in deliveries/ outdoor work will approach him with their quotes. Rama can select the suitable Genie based on their rating and pricing. Genies may ask Rama some questions for more clarifications through the chatting feature in app and website. Genies would be paid once task for Rama is completed.

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How start-up founder of “Take Home” Rajesh solved his problem of Hiring is really dream come true!

Hrishi 26/10/2015

Rajesh is founder of “Take home” a start-up which delivers home-made food to offices and homes. People can order their food via online menu available on daily basis till 10 PM previous night. Based on ordered quantity order is given to respective home chefs for cooking. Cooked food is picked up by 10 AM next morning and delivery boys take them out for deliveries at ordered places.

The biggest pain point for Rajesh is deliveries during weekends when orders spike up but deliveries are distributed across areas. If one delivery is in one building of a big complex next is 1 KM away in another complex. Also on weekends it is a bit difficult to use his entire workforce as they prefer having a day off on weekend instead of weekday. Hiring temporary workforce seems not much useful as people are not willing to work part time just for weekends. They expect part time work for whole week. Due to these issues Rajesh is facing problem in expanding his business.

So what can be solution for Rajesh’s problem? How can he increase his business by catering wider area and menus during weekends? GenieOnHire greatly helped Rajesh here. Rajesh wanted trusted delivery boys only for weekends when demand is high, and there were many students on GenieOnHire who wanted to work only on weekends to earn extra income to support their education.

Rajesh floated his wish on GenieOnHire for working as Delivery man on weekends; he received many quotes and queries from student Genies. Some with their own vehicles and some without. Based on past rating and price quotes provided Rajesh selected 10 Genies and called them for interview.  He selected 5 Genies for Delivery work on Weekend.

It really worked for Rajesh as he expanded his delivery area from current Hinjewadi and Magarpatta to almost whole of Pune city.

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How Radha took care of her parents in India is truly inspiring!

Hrishi 27/10/2015

Radha completed her education from COEP Pune she was a bright student in her class and got immediate offer from Infosys through campus. Radha hailed from a middle class family staying in a small Sahakar nagar apartment. Her father retired from a bank and mother was a housewife. Radha was the only daughter and she loved them a lot.

            Soon due to her talent and work, Radha got chance to go to US from her company. She
stayed in Boston and liked the work culture in US. Due to her hard working she got good opportunities in US. Within few years her parents started asking her to get married. Being a self-made girl Radha wanted choose her own partner. Radha met handsome and friendly Matt in the same company where she worked. Slowly they came closer and got in to relationship. Soon they decided to get married. Radha went to India to meet her parents and inform them of decision to get married with Matt. Being traditional her parents were opposed to the decision but after Matt came to India and met them, this opposition slowly turned in to approval.

            Radha got married and decided to settle in US permanently. Soon the normal routine followed where Radha got pregnant, her parents came to US to help her and stayed back for few months. After doing this 6 monthly routine for 3-4 times they got tired and told Radha that they cannot come to US henceforward and will like to stay in India till the end.

            So next year Radha came to India with her entire family to meet her parents. During this visit she noticed her parents are tiered. It is getting difficult for them to navigate through traffic and do day today tasks like banking, Grocery etc. Radha tried to introduce them to online shopping and etc, but being old generation they were not very adaptive to the same. Radha wished she had someone who could help her parents and take care of them, she tried to get maids and all but they were not educated enough to handle many tasks.

            Radha came across from a Facebook post. She went through the website and downloaded the Android app. She got to know that it facilitates students to be hired on hourly basis to complete tasks for individuals and companies. These students called as Genies are background checked and trustworthy and reside in Pune. She signed up for the website and floated her wish of getting a Genie to meet her parents for 2-3 hours each day and complete their daily small tasks. She got many quotes from Genies residing in the area where her parents stayed.

Based on the past rating and pricing quoted by the Genies she selected 2 Genies to meet her parents every alternate day in the morning. Soon she got to know that her parents are very happy due to help they got from these Genies. Genies used to read newspaper to her father, help her mother to get groceries from local market, take appointment and get queued up at doctor, buy medicine from market, one Genie even helped her mother to make snacks for Diwali to be sent to US.

            Radha was very happy as she could control Genie activity online and ask them additional tasks if necessary. She was paying these Genies online without involving her parents in complexities and simultaneously helping the students to get learned.

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Why the old rules?

Gargi Jajoo 11/06/2019
Today I visited my cousin. He was doing his homework. When I asked him what it was about, he 
innocently replied that they had been given a task to write about a good Indian leader as elections have 
been the recent news in our nation. As a child he did exactly what I or many of us did in school i.e. he 
was writing about Mahatma Gandhi. I had a smile on his face. It kept me thinking for a long time. Why 
we as children are taught only about the good things they did, why anybody doesn’t tell us the things 
they did which could crash our nation’s economy? The politics they played to keep the things under 
their control and for their benefits without thinking of the long term benefits for the country or it 
I am an Open category student where I had to face the higher cut off for marks in every stage of 
selection. My father has to pay the extra fee for every standard I passed. Why when my father earns 
100 rs he has to spend 40rs for my class fees and extra 20rs for my tuition where a reserved category 
student’s father only spends 25 rs and also has no need to send his child to tuition because he is as 
such going to get admission in a very good institute though he scores less! Why when a student scores 
142 gets in PVG and someone who scores 112 is a part of PICT?
 Why people in India are  more fascinated by the American education system and are willing to go 
there? Is the standard of living the only reason? No. They don’t have reservation to judge their talent. 
Their talent is judged on their talent itself! 
Did you know Dr. Ambedkar when he started this reservation system only kept the restriction of 15 
years for these benefits and Nehru kept on increasing years so as to just keep the votes in his pocket. Still 
after years the same system is being followed without any changes making the so called “lower sub 
caste and poor people” richer and the richer people poorer! How many more years are we going to 
listen that the Doctors, Charted Accountants and their children are really poor and they need a waiver in 
their fees?!Or maybe these people don’t believe that they can get the admission on the shear basis of 
their talent!! The worst part is these people are rebelling to be a part of this lower sub caste why just 
because the caste really doesn’t matter these days but the advantage it gives matter more! 
How many more years should this be tolerated? Ya its still jaisa chal raha hai chalne do kya kar sakte hai 
they have the advantage! Here when we bargain a 100rs item to bring it down to 90 with all efforts then 
why can’t we in this case? 
I request everyone of you including the people who are getting benefit from the reservation! Think 
about others too! Make yourself worthy and give a good fight instead of asking for a reservation from 
the government. Your parents earn enough and are well educated at a good post so stop asking waiver 
from the colleges! The colleges need to charge you less that’s why they charge us more! Otherwise stop 
saying ki young generation ne kuch karna chahiye desh badalne k liye –pehle khud karke dikhao!
So just stop being selfish and even think apart from yourself. I request everyone to write a letter to the 
government official email urging this. Let’s make a move, let’s make a change!

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Tushar Shelar 31/07/2019
Benefits of being Genie?
1. You can earn your pocket money. 
2. You get the opportunity to volunteer at the best and different places across pune. 
3.You meet lots of different people which helps you to develop your personality. 
4.Helps to improve communication skill by actually implementing on the field
5.Add more real life experiences. 

Genie is perfect blind of earn and learn. 

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Quest of Rucha in finding a part time job

Rucha Tukaram Patole 12/03/2024

Rucha, student at Wadia college, was tired of the same old instant-noodle routine. Textbooks fuelled her mind, she was looking up for something more vibrant, something electrifying. But her bank account was a sad reflection of her empty wallet. She started searching for part time jobs in city. One afternoon, inspiration struck Rucha like a bolt of lightning! Why not combine her passion and skills for events with some much-needed financial independence? But where to begin? Just then, a friend mentioned a platform called "Genie on Hire" – a place that granted wishes. It connected students with part-time jobs that fit their interests and schedules.

Genie on Hire became Rucha's portal to find volunteering work in her nearby location. It provided her with a list of multiple opportunities- like managing stalls and sales in exhibitions, registration work in corporate events, volunteering in marathon, Stock verification in companies, etc.  With the help of Genie on Hire's search filters, Rucha easily found relevant opportunities that matched her interests. She contacted organizers, expressing her eagerness to contribute and her first event boosted her confidence. These events helped her in improving her skills – communication, organization, and the ability to connect with people and networking became her mantra. Through Genie on Hire she started earning and learning too. Volunteering in multiple events helped her built networks and she also started getting full-time job opportunities. As she wanted to pursue post-graduation, she continued with her studies and doing events on weekends.




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Marathon a fun Social Event

Rucha Tukaram Patole 19/03/2024

Marathon a fun Social Event


Are you daring and want to do something different? In Pune city there are many sports which thrive, but nothing has a vibrant scene like marathons, offering a whole gamut of experiences to people of all ages. It is an event which happens every weekend across the city. 

These aren't just races, they're experiences! People lace up their shoes, feeling the energy of hundreds of fellow runners. They chat, they laugh, they push themselves together towards the finish line. It's a fantastic way to combine fitness and socialising.

But hold on, there's more! Behind the scenes, a dedicated team works tirelessly to make each marathon a success. From the registration crew who gets the runners signed up, to the hospitality heroes who keep you hydrated with drinks and refreshments, these folks are the unsung champions. Also, by providing your BIB number and some goodies to kick off your race day! Looking to Staff Your Next Marathon with Awesome Volunteers? This is where Genie On Hire comes in! We can connect you with a dedicated team of paid volunteers who are passionate about supporting events like marathons. Also we have volunteers who are experienced and have volunteered at events like Bajaj Allianz Pune Half Marathon, Twin City Marathon, Pune City Marathon and many more.So, the next time you're organising a marathon, remember the incredible impact volunteers have. Partner with Genie On Hire to ensure your event runs smoothly and leaves a lasting positive impression on everyone involved. Let's celebrate the runners and the volunteers who make these amazing races possible!

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Sarah's Sweet Success: From Hobby Baker to Cupcake Star with GenieOnHire

Rucha Tukaram Patole 22/03/2024

Sarah loved baking cupcakes. Her tiny kitchen was her happy place, filled with the yummy smells of fresh treats. She made all sorts of amazing flavors, with pretty decorations on top. Sarah wanted to share her cupcakes with everyone, but she just didn't have enough time.

Her day job kept her busy, and between baking and decorating, there weren't enough hours in the day to run an online shop. She wanted to sell cupcakes online, but setting up a website and talking to customers seemed impossible. Hiring someone full-time was too expensive.

Then, a friend told Sarah about It was a website where people could find helpers for all sorts of tasks. Sarah thought, "Maybe this could work!" She posted a wish for a tech-savvy helper to manage her online cupcake shop.

Lots of people responded to Sarah's wish! She found someone named Emily who seemed perfect. Emily knew a lot about computers and was excited to help Sarah. They talked online about Sarah's dream shop, and Emily had great ideas.

With Emily's help, Sarah opened her online shop! Emily made a website and social media pages for Sarah's cupcakes. She also talked to customers and answered their questions. Sarah could now focus on baking all the delicious flavors everyone wanted.

Thanks to Emily's magic touch, more and more people started ordering Sarah's cupcakes. Sarah's hobby turned into a real business! She was on her way to becoming a cupcake star, all thanks to GenieOnHire.

GenieOnHire helped Sarah find the perfect helper without having to hire someone full-time. Sarah could chase her dream, and Emily got a fun way to use her skills. Everyone wins! Now, Sarah's kitchen is even happier than ever, filled with the sweet smell of success and delicious treats!

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How Students Can Earn and Learn Through Conference Attendance with Genie on Hire!

Ananya Sharma 10/05/2024
In today's fast-paced world, students are constantly seeking opportunities to both enhance their learning and earn some extra income. At Genie on Hire, we believe in empowering students to achieve their goals while providing valuable services to businesses. One such avenue we offer is through attending conferences, where students not only gain knowledge but also earn money through our platform.

Attending conferences has long been recognized as a valuable educational experience. It provides students with the chance to network with professionals in their field, learn about the latest trends and developments, and gain insights that can't be found in textbooks. However, what sets Genie on Hire apart is our unique approach to conference attendance.

Through our platform, students have the opportunity to serve as temporary manpower at these conferences. Whether it's assisting with event logistics, serving as promoters, or providing volunteer services, students can earn money while actively participating in these events. This not only helps alleviate the financial burden of attending conferences but also allows students to gain hands-on experience in their chosen field.

But the benefits don't stop there. By being actively involved in conference activities, students have the chance to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations. They can witness firsthand how concepts discussed in the classroom are implemented in practice, gaining a deeper understanding of their field of study.

Moreover, attending conferences through Genie on Hire opens doors to a plethora of opportunities. Students can expand their professional network, connect with potential employers, and even discover internship or job opportunities. This exposure not only enriches their educational experience but also enhances their career prospects.

In essence, participating in conferences through Genie on Hire is a win-win situation for students. They have the chance to earn money, gain valuable experience, and expand their network, all while furthering their education. It's a testament to our commitment to providing innovative solutions that benefit both students and businesses alike.

So, to all the students out there looking to earn and learn simultaneously, look no further than Genie on Hire. Join in for unlocking the countless opportunities that await you at conferences around the country. Don't settle for passive learning—leverage Genie on Hire to actively engage, learn, and earn.

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Earn While You Learn: Turning Your Skills into Cash with Genie On Hire

Shreyash Gawande 10/05/2024

College life is full of experiences, but let's be honest, it can also be financially tight. Textbooks, rent, and ramen noodles can take a toll on your wallet. But what if you could use your existing skills and knowledge to earn some extra cash while you're conquering your studies? That's where Genie On Hire comes in!

Here's how Genie On Hire can be your secret weapon for earning pocket money:

  • Become a Genie: Are you a whiz with grammar? A note-taking ninja? A research master? Share your skills by signing up as a Genie! You can offer services like:
    • Proofreading & Editing: Help fellow students polish their essays, assignments, and presentations.
    • Note Taking: Attend lectures for students who can't make it, taking detailed notes and sharing them for a fee.
    • Research Assistance: Compile relevant sources, structure outlines, or answer specific research questions for students tackling projects.
    • Subject Tutoring: If you excel in a particular subject, offer tutoring sessions to classmates who need extra help.
    • Tech Support: Got a knack for troubleshooting tech issues? Help fellow students with computer problems, software installation, or online learning platforms.
  • Set Your Rates & Availability: Decide how much you want to charge for your services and set your availability based on your schedule. This allows for flexibility and control over your earnings.
  • Build Your Reputation: Earn positive reviews from satisfied clients to stand out from other Genies and attract more business.

Benefits of Earning with Genie On Hire:

  • Flexible Income: Earn money on your own terms, fitting work around your class schedule and study time.
  • Skill Development: Hone your existing skills by helping others, making you a more valuable asset in future job searches.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with classmates and build a network within your college community.
  • Boost Your Resume: Showcase your entrepreneurial spirit and ability to manage your time by including your experience as a Genie on your resume.

Genie On Hire is a great way to turn your college skills and knowledge into cash. It allows you to gain valuable experience, manage your time effectively, and alleviate some of the financial pressure that comes with being a student.

Download the Genie On Hire app today and start earning while you learn!

#GenieOnHireCollege #EarnExtraCash #Skils

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