Helping hand for babysitting of your child

Hrishi 20/10/2015

In today’s age families are getting smaller with many consisting of just husband wife and their kid. Now husband needs to go to office to earn for the family and wife gets stuck at home doing just hose chores and looking after the kid. Many house wives have nice education lot of experience and companies are even ready to hire them to work from home. But as many of us know from experience of looking after a child, it is a full time activity and working while taking care of kids is impossible. Asking domestic help to look after child while madam can work is not to the liking as kids don’t learn during that time and getting a maid is such a head ache today. So what can be done? Won’t it be helpful if student who is pursuing their studies helps you out to look after your child? She/he can play with your toddler while you complete your office work and no we are not saying leave them alone and go out for work. We recommend you to stay home see how the student is taking care of the child. Students will be a good idea as they can play learning games with kids. It has been proven that kids learning from younger people learn faster. Also by getting a student to work you are providing opportunities for the students to earn their pocket money while they are learning.

            So from where can you get such students who are willing to look after your toddler for a payment? Here comes the idea GenieOnHire handy. is a web and application based service which connects you to hundreds of background verified trusted and willing Genies. Process of hiring a Genie is very simple just log on to select the wish category, fill out details related to your requirement and post the wish! Genies interested in the wish category will be notified about the wish posted and you will receive their quotes on how much they want to be paid. You can decide on which Genie to choose for completing your wish based on the reviews and rating of the Genie. Genies are paid only after wish is completed without dispute. And you can review and rate the Genie based on their work quality so future wish makers are benefited from it.

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