Genie On hire is a platform for students to earn and Learn. They can acquire real life new skills while earning small pocket money.
Students can work part time and opt for tasks as per their convenience and earn Rs.500-600 per day.
Different Wishmakers who wants to hire skilled part time people post their wishes on our website.
Wishmaker will post the detailed requirement on the post. If Genies have any question they can ask below the posted wish.
Wishmaker will select Genies based on their profile and rate them based on their task performance.
All tasks posted are by Wishmaker and Payment will be settled by Wishmaker who has posted the task. Except the wishes which are posted as Genie On Hire Assured. Genie On Hire assured wishes are coordinated by Genie On Hire and will be paid by Genie On Hire.
Genies on Hire being a platform does not guarantee any of the payment for the wish posted on the website. We do not charge anything from Students for creating their profile and work for different events posted on the website. Genies can opt for value added services offered by Genie On Hire which are on chargeable basis.
Wishmakers select the Genies based on Genie profiles created on Website. We have seen that the profiles with good photographs, past experience, Description of skillsets gets priority by Wishmaker while selecting for their task.